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would you be willing to add a variant of the tapered dick that has balls?


Love this game. I've played a few open world furry sex simulators but yours is the best. Those expressions are ador-ki-ble! Really made the game stand out. Also kudos to clean UI and managable scale; no unnecessarily complicated mechanism that will sure doom a game to an immature termination. (My head explodes when another game adds a *fishing* mechanism:(

I would love to see more sex positions and greeting poses. 'Allur' is cute, but it easily gets repetitive. And perhaps an option to disable the skeletons (or a map without them)? I know I don't come here to hack and slash.  

Link to the Unofficial Archipelagates server for any who wish to share/find new presets and npcs to mess with, share tips and strategies for gameplay and/or character creation, and/or chat with the 220+ fellow community members. All are welcome! 😁

(1 edit)

Guess who's back, back again. Egor's back, BACK WITH BEING A CHAR CREATOR in dire need of character ideas preferably with pictures!

How do you get the hipsway Sophia has when idling? if possible

(1 edit) (+3)

best furry open world game out there s tier game 


Is it possible to add support for Xbox controllers?


I play from a Lenovo legion yes. You need to use a 3rd party program like X Padder...seeing that Raliv last game supported controller I would say yes but likely not a current focus...

thanks for your help

Think I found a bug. Long story short forgot to back up my save and have to start over again, however I didn't talk to anyone in town and instead interacted with them out of town. Now when try to get the house there is no option?

ok fix it. Went into game files and reset Willow Shale and Sophie affection back to zero. This is a rather unique discovery...


It is! I'll try to fix that

is there sound now when in sex scenes?


Not yet, unfortunately, but here's hoping that's next on the list.

(1 edit) (+1)(-11)

id definitely play this if there's a way of disabling furries and having only elves

that character creator looks fantastic

edit: i understand the downvotes, its just im not into furries but there are very few porn games that look this good


Well, you can.

thats really nice to hear

Crow (F), Alexander (M), Fiona (F), Jessica (F), Lara (F),
Thal (M) and Willow (M) are the only ones you'll want to have active.

What about online co-op?

(1 edit)

I've noticed when making a NPC it doesn't immediately show up in the manage list but randomly later on, is there a requirement for a created NPC to appear in your world or does the game just randomly choose when it joins the list?

Nevermind that, i noticed i actually have to give them a name in down right corner instead of just naming the appearance. Problem solved


Quick recommendations from what ive seen: 
AI menu, i like that its here now, but who are the names? I know the ones ive created, and the main characters but thats where my knowledge stops. 
(Previous recommendations) 
The customization menu, honestly needs a revisit, very confusing to use and somewhat hard to read unless im face pressed against the monitor. My opinion not really user friendly. 

More variety to the islands or larger islands and maybe more NPCs? 
Larger home island(s) The town, with all the NPCs we have currently in the game, feels rather small and I feel some could agree it should be enlarged some; with more NPCs. 

A quit to menu button. If imma figure out the NPCs id like to at least enable one at a time, so i could put name to face. 

I like that we have a new species or character model(?) in the game, but more would be nice, I've seen a lot for bunnies or rabbits, maybe add one or two more along with em, dealers choice or community vibe at the moment?? 

More options, uhh... simply put the fun bits on AI are different from the fun bits on players, AI can stay hard for seemingly forever but the player can't, maybe just add an option for that for the player? 

No cap on money, once you hit max money either you fill your inventory, or you scramble to find the max level island that has a shop on it, even if the prices are more dynamic to the item(s) stats i'd be willing to spend more. 

This concludes my TEDTALK 
I completely understand that this is a one man show, so if it is not implemented within the next year considering everything, i wont be upset. I just feel that these suggestions could be more quality of life orientated, and i understand relatively speaking that some are large requests, on top of your other priorities. 


is it possible to be futa

asking the real questions

(2 edits)

If you talking about having breast and a penis. Then yes you can.

Unless you talking about those with both a penis and a vagina, i would say they are not futa because thats normally called a herm.
(and so far they not made possible from what i remember playing it)


lil bro is taking a break...


He's like, "Man, I don't wanna do this no more."


Dont go hollow


Thank you for the update!
I wanted to ask... Are you planning on improving the ragdoll? Just to be clear: it's already good, but somethings could be improved... i noticed that if i press the Ragdoll button or got hit, my character "freezes" in the pose when i pressed the button or got hit and the ragdoll acts on that pose.

bro what is needed to play?

Yeah yeah, i know it's not a fundamental. Just a curiosity.

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is there a way to export my character to blender? if not could you please add that ? it would be so cool to make some artwork with my character !


The Half patterns are nice, I just find that I can't do some of the things I'd like to with it since there isn't an "Other Half" pattern/option. Especially since the head half and body half are different halves. 

Yes, I can do the "Solid" Pattern to swap halves, but if I want to have a certain pattern on one side and not the other, I can't really pull it off without an "Other Half" option


Link to the Unofficial Archipelagates server for any who wish to share/find new presets and npcs to mess with, share tips and strategies for gameplay and/or character creation, and/or chat with the 198+ fellow community members. All are welcome! 😁

Again in here as a character creator on the server. I'm still on a lookout for new preset ideas (preferably pictures)


and if such an idea, add to some islands, the time of stay and when it expires, the sky will turn red and skeletons will start constantly appearing like ardoy trying to kill you, that would be great

Could be for a harder difficulty. Might enjoy that with some additional biomes.


Almost been a year. Assuming endgame is coming?


To me, at least, I don't think there'll be one. I think it'd likely just be a ramping up of difficulty through the levels until there's a max one. Though there might always be a big boss thing in the future, could be neat, though it's mostly speculation on my part. What are you envisioning?


you can also add slavery 🤤


I really don't think that's the vibe of this game. It's pretty cartoony and light hearted, and doesn't really seem to be going anywhere near the direction I'm seeing people are kind of asking for. It's not really a dark and grim first person rpg, it's a 3d arcade beat em up with light story elements as of right now.


I can imagine how many fetishes would be added to the game if there was a farm


my guy, go get KoboldKare then.

(2 edits) (-10)

An idea appeared, like in the game KoboldKare, you could create your own mini-farm, going on a raid, for example, recruit one of the characters and send him to the farm, then reproduce with him or her, produce eggs and raise them for sale, or, for example, the same liquids, such as milk, male seeds, etc. accumulate and sell in barrels 😅 (this will be an additional pleasure)


Sounds like you would enjoy Breeders of the Nephelym. It's free on Steam.


will you be adding any enemies other than Skellies and npcs? like animals or ruin guards for the large building. not a request, just curious. 

any thoughts of putting it on steam ?

cant. I don't remember all the details, but unfortunately, it won't be coming to steam. 


Developer, tell me if you will add a first-person view to the game.This is not the first time I have written about this.I think it would add variety to the game!And if you're going to do this function, then make it possible to switch it using a button on your keyboard!So tell me if your wonderful game will have a first-person view?


I understand that first person is very much desired, but the game is just not architected for it. In my experiments, putting the camera in someone's head during a sex animation did not look very good, so there would need to be a lot of changes to facilitate it. I will likely not implement it for this game, sorry.


Then what about a free camera (a free camera is a camera where the player can align in space and take different angles, in other words, the camera can fly anywhere, and the model will remain in its place)?


lol can you imagine the amount of head bob due to the ideal and movement animations? that would be crazy motion sickness lol.


This would be more likely to work, I might experiment

A free camera would be good, the locked distance and focus of the camera during scenes atm is a little strangely placed and limiting


any hope for non-con stuff in future?


Raliv has said they wouldn't be adding any non-con stuff to the game.


Not to dis your preferences, but for me one of the best things about this game is how enthusiastically consensual everything is.


This game will not feature non-con


Link to the Unofficial Archipelagates server for any who wish to share/find new presets and npcs to mess with and/or chat with the 150+ fellow community members. All are welcome! 😁

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Writing to those who see Chaos's message!
I am one of character creators there, and I'm on a lookout for new ideas...

What kind of ideas are you looking for? Ideas about the game or ideas for the Discord? Would happily provide for both

Ideas for character designs, I'm out of them since most of the characters I see are looking either too plain or missing some patterns to make

You could always hold a poll. Make an announcement for fans to submit designs that they want to be in the game. Have it be a one month time frame for submissions. Making it one submission per person and then have the fans vote for the ones that were submitted. Top five or however many you want will be implemented in the game for all. Would be perfect since the anniversary of the game creation is coming up.

You get ideas from the fans and they get to participate in the creation of the game. You could even implement it to where designs may be new enemies to face.

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Ehi ralivdev, do you have any news on a possible update?

No rush, just wandering. <3


Yea! Update is coming soon


pleease can you add pregnancy or cumflation? love this game so much




Neither of these are planned for this game, sorry..

Tech issue or more not an interest of yours?


Здравствуйте единственное чего хотел бы попросить это cumflation чтобы можно было накапливать носить с собой внутри и выпускать когда захочется желательно со звуком если можно

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Просто переведу на случай, если Ралив, или кто-то, кто занимается модерацией на итч либо не поймёт, либо не захочет переводить:
"Greetings, the only thing I'd like to ask for is cumflation with a possibility to gather and walk around with it being inside and let out whenever you want to. Preferably with a sound, if it's possible!"


So, after playing around with the editor I can say that we need a lot more customization:

OFC, the first thing I'm gonna say is new races. 100% bunnies, since a lot of people are just asking for these, next is either snakes (or just new scales (the lines) patterns) or maybe birds, since there are a lot of bird race arts.

New patterns for head AND body. Just half arms, palms, or some small details like this would be neat, maybe quinn's body and face scars too, since people already found out how to use these! Also Outlines for some other patterns would be insane to see!

Possibility to work with metallic parameter + patterns ingame, not having to go and edit the save file. Also to be able to choose the color by the color circle and not from limited color choice.


More customization is coming, some things are more difficult than others with the system I set up though.

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Pls add keybinds so I can change my walk keys pls


I know I need to do this desperately, it is a difficult change though so I have been putting it off, sorry!


my only issue is sound why isnt there moaning or anything


moan it yourself

(1 edit) (+11)

Love everything about the game, I've spent soo much time customizing new characters! I do wish i had more space to store all the items im hoarding; with all the new dyes and patterns it pretty much takes up both chest >w<


I suggest that the game should have keybindings option.


Hello author!Are you planning to add a first-person view to the game?It's just that me and some others are waiting for it in the next update!

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