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Cum when? And more sounds?

(1 edit)

enjoying the game so far, especially the character customization system. I can't wait for more patterns!

Great game. Though, I have run into an issue where any items I enchant have reduced enchantment values upon loading a save. I had +8s but now they are +1s. This doesn't happen to items that I find already enchanted.


Sounds like a bug, I'll do my best to squash it. Thanks for reporting it

Characters are holding weapons  with rotation of 180 degrees, resoulting in them attacking with blunt side of a model.

Definitely a bug, I'll fix it and patch.

Curious, does the Dev (RalivDev) have a Discord?

At this time, for this game, no

I don't know if its just me, but I cant open the game itself. I don't have any button to launch the game. If I could get a bit of help figuring out how to start the game that would be much appreciated. 


If you are using the app, it will be in your library and will have a large "Launch" button on the lower right.

If you downloaded it directly without the app, you will need to open the compressed file and put it somewhere on your computer, then click Archipelagates.exe

I didn't know that had an app. I'll download the app to make things a bit easier. Thank you for assisting me! <3

Where are the saves kept? I don't really wanna lose my save whenever I update so I just kept old versions on my SSD



You need to do this:

Press Windows key + R then input %appdata% go one folder back, then go to LocalLow, find RalivDev folder then go to Archipelagates then to saves folder and it should be there.



Hi there, have you considered adding more environmental effects like a day/night cycle, wind, or weather effects? Maybe it could be something for down the line, but I think it would add a lot to the game


Loving the game so far. My favorite thing about it has got to be the facial expressions. Cant wait to see what new updates will bring.

i like the lil dances everyone seems to be doin hehe

because of some npc I was curious if it's normal that the player character isn't stiff unless offering. The game really makes me curious enough to want more soon. Well i might have forgotten to add something and I would rather open a discussion for that, but this chat doesn't seem to have the topics.

not game-breaking or anything, but in the new patch, I noticed that my NPCs on the Wild Islands were getting a bit jiggy. Their legs and body were jittering as they walked around.

Hello, Loving the game, and cant wait for future updates! Something I noticed post patch 0.3, and I'm not sure if this was always the case, but my character is a male, and when he puts on pants his genitalia changes to a female's in the texture of the pants. Characters also comment on this. Not a major issue as when I take off his pants he has the male part again, just pulls me out of the immersion a little bit (pun not intended). Keep up the great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

What pants are you wearing? I would like to see if I can confirm it. 
I'll be honest, I gave up on wearing any since I can't toggle them like the NPCs, the new belt only is a great option for me. in regards of defense (Video game female armor logic at it's prime, Less is More!)
Also I can confirm the belts still allow interactions so you don't need to remove them.

Leather and rags still have bulge haven't tested bikini yet.

that is really weird. Maybe my character is bugged in my game, that sucks. I attached an image as proof, but yeah, I still have the issue. Thanks for trying to replicate the glitch. 


I think I know what you are referring to, It's a bit difficult to solve since all bodies use the same base textures. I'll try to find a fix for it though.

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Here are some Photos to show what I mean. Thanks for the quick response, and thanks ahead of time!

UPDATE: I did test other pants (Rags, etc.) and I still have the same issue. 

Neat new pants, thanks.

Something I noticed though, and it isn't urgent at all, is that the new swords are being held backward. Like, the sharp side is facing me as I pummel the bonemen with the blunt side.


Congratulations, you have become Himura Kenshin.


WHOOPS.. I'll patch that, my bad.

*pats on the shoulder* It's all good, hope I get to see it before  it's patched.


We need a patch

not today(


But what if.. today..

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it just released dawg

no shi bro.


love u


let him cook


Please keep updating this peak 🙏 game of the millenia🙏


There should be an update coming soon.

Like today or within the next few days.

Nice game and keep updating this game


Any plans to add multiplayer?


it's a single-player game developed to be a single-player game, so i'd guess no



update us on how the games going? would love know what ur working on for next update.


Next patch is almost ready, I am aiming for Jun 3rd. This patch will be balance, combat and world content, and a bit of home stuff. Next month will be sex content month.


Deleted 112 days ago

Hello Raliv, I would like to develop a Russian community based on your video game, can we discuss this topic with you?

oohhh home stuff sounds interesting 

sweeeet cant wait


Hi naelstrof (i don't stop saying it cuz i learned the existence of ur game on his discord server lol) talking about server WHEN THE ARCHIPELAGATES DISCORD SERVER AND u should make make a wiki and add more possibility with visual settings to improve game performance and it's a really good game gg i don't know how many years u passed on it But it was worth it 

(5 edits) (+7)

This game looks very promising. The only problem I found so far is thar armor seems useless. On either lvl 1 or lvl 10, enemies deals equal damage no matter how much armor do I have. It is like clothing have no purpose except for aesthetic one.

And also I don't know if I should throw ideas out here, but I got a few. What if you could recruit to your group NPCs that you had sex with? Up to 2 and they could follow you through the islands until you return to the Town (manualy or after being defeated).

I will even go further. If you recruit an NPC to your group and with it pass for example 5 islands in a row clearing them of every single enemy and having sex with recruited NPC at least once on every island you can marry it. You will return to Town and NPC would stay in your house. You could hug/kiss/talk to/recruit him/her, he/she would have unique sex animation(s). And like other Town villagers, married NPC could appear on wild island chillin on a rock.

Upd:I was thinking about how to inform player about amount of enemy on island exept just putting a counter on the interface and I think the best way to do it is to force a dialog  with NPC who will say "Look like that was the last one. We make a good team" or something like that.

Oh, and I have an idea for article of clothing. Loincloth. In different sizes so if you have a huge cock small loincloth would fail to hide it. Sounds funny to me


will there be any cumflation in the future?


Will there be strapons  for our characters to use the girl in the town has one?


games fun, cant wait for more customization and content to be added

Played the game for a few hours until I reached level(rank?) 8, and I’ve been having a total blast! Really excited to see the game being developed further cuz it has so much potential!

Also as a side note, there’s a bug where you can get infinite hp to the point of save file corruption. I’ll have to start a new file and see if I’m able to replicate the glitch before I can share more info though.


will thisbe on steam someday?


Nope the game is hidden and can't be viewed normal way, you need to use wayback machine

Is the game FPS Locked or are you working on a v-sync feature?

I'm probably missing something fairly obvious but how do I dye gear? I'm trying to dye my fishnet boots, I put in the boots followed by the pattern followed by the dye, but I can't seem to finalize the process no matter which buttons I press.


it finalizes automatically, but some gear doesn't dye properly. The upcoming update fixes this and makes all gear dyable


ugh this game rules man, i've been following your escapades since your work on the vrc shader, excited to see where you take this!


Thank you!!


Will there ever be an apple downloadable version?? :3


Sorry, probably not, I don't own an apple device unfortunately

sup naelstrof friend i have  a question how change the video quality [low medium high]

Naelstrof is an awesome friend of mine, but this is a solo project. I'll pass along your greetings :P

Video quality is not yet implemented, I'll try to add more settings soon.

Looks like something went wrong while the creation of a new world. All I really did was open a new portal at different wild island and ended up down (?) there.

Not sure how much use the video will be but figured I could provide an actual visual of the issue.

Oh whoa! Does this happen often or was it more of a one in a million thing? I have never seen this world generation error.

It was the first time seeing this happen to me while loading into a new world, so one in a million thing. Other than that no real hiccups on the journey.

Oh glad to hear it!

Gotta love the Sky Cave. I've never seen this in my 20+ hours of gameplay, but honestly, It's such a vibe.

Will our progress be lost after a patch or update? 

shouldn't be, there were some bugs with saving in the start but that should be fixed since the first patch.

Your progress should be safe for this patch


Yo, alternate walking styles would be cool


It would be cool if the game had a pregnancy belly filler. :3

How do you delete a save?


It was a HUGE mistake (Now i have 1 kilometer penis) >:D


Hello! In the next updated version, can the effect of losing conscious enemy and NPC increase the effect of pressing the E key to drag Ragdoll? And it seems that after the NPC lost consciousness, there will still be a special effect of love. Will this be a bug?

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Hello! I'm wondering how we share bug reports/feedback ? I don't really like purchasing lewd games on steam so itch is my go to, and i've only seen your link to twitter. Patreon was my next stop but I have too many patrons already (sorry!). what is your preferred avenue for reports/feedback? Thanks! Quinn Fall off a cliff almost immediately xD


Hungry for new content


Next patch is planned to release June 3rd


It would be cool if the game had a pregnancy belly filler.


I'm realizing that two of the newer clothing items, the choker and the necklace, would really count more as a neck or head item than a shirt, and can't really be associated with the top, and would be great to see a head or neck slot. I know with varying head and face sizes, shapes and the like, seeing something like a pair of glasses or hat may not be common, but we all have necks, so a slot for these new items would be really cool to see and would help a lot with making cool outfits in the long run.

I know this is likely asking for a lot, though, so I'm not expecting a "yes," or even really a "maybe," lol


The purpose of a necklace in the chest slot is that many players would like to wear something for armor, but not wear a shirt.

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