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sabes que estaria interesante que cuando los esqueletos te noqueen te coman le daria mas emocion por lo demas me encanta el juego 

A minor bug, offering missionary will not cause the NPCs to remove their pants, so if they have them on before you offer, they will just bulge grind you instead of fucking you.


i am somewhat interested in this game but is there any animal style genitalia? or is it just basic dick basic everything?

There's a horse, an un-knotted canine and a humanoid at this time, more planned for later.

That's good to hear!

I recently discovered a have an item "Boots_LeatherB" that has a "+?" enchantment.  Problem is, I don't remember if I put the enchantment on them or I thought it was +7 when I equipped them.  Just something to note

(2 edits)

I came across the same issue later yesterday, but only happened after the new clothing or weapon got enchanted with extra defence/attack.

It doesn't seem to affect clothing and weapons that are found enchanted from chests, for gloves it displays the correct spell bound to them, either found or done by the player.

The first four items, including the sword, tunic, bracelets and shorts were enchanted by the player, while the foot wraps/shoes weren't.
(9 edits)

Writing this to summarize my observations while playing on the newest game patch.

One major chance I noticed are the increased odds for buildings/structures and Life Fruit spawns when I compare it to the previous version where I could play for hours but get no new Life Fruits to spawn and just a single merchant per 5 new worlds. Which is an welcomed addition.

So going to start with the new interaction system, it works well for its intented purpose but it also allows you to issue a request to a male character to be on the receiving end, which in on itself is surely intended, but I can do so while playing a female character so it just looks little silly. From the available poses to me currently it only seems to trigger with the 'Missionary' one. (Attaching a video to showcase it.)

Would obviously make sense with something like the toy Sophia owns, but unless I am playing on too early level to obtain such divine artifact then excuse my gap in knowledge.

After some playtime, it seems to work on both, male and female NPCs, and also with the 'Doggystyle' pose.

When NPCs react to a naked  character with their lower exposed, they say the following line - Whoa.. YOU'RE [insert genital based on gender] is out.. That is a clear mistake in typing as YOU'RE shall be replaced with YOUR.

Lastly, when I attack an enemy in quick successions - only when they are stunned and laying on the ground, sometimes they just get flung high into the air and land down shortly after.

Sometimes all wandering NPCs struggle with slopes, not properly path finding around and getting stuck on the vertical part of each slope, jumping in one spot, unless you get their attention. (Attaching a video to showcase it.)

For ledges: Skeletons refuse to jump down on occasions after being attacked. Neutral/friendly characters won't follow you sometimes, unless pushed down. Which I am certain was present even before this patch now when I think about it.

That might be everything I have came across and from my thought about the newly released patch.

Thank you for reading all that.

I actually quite like that you can request that an NPC assume any position, even if you lack the equipment and just go through the motions. You can offer those ineffective positions to NPCs too, but they don't accept if they don't have the right bits. I wouldn't mind if that was possible too. Maybe put the ineffective positions under a sub menu to make it clear that they don't "work", but can still be used.

Another thing is that if one NPC offers themselves to another NPC, you can press E to steal them for yourself. This is kinda funny, but probably shouldn't be allowed.

(1 edit) (+1)

I want to state here beforehand that this is not a hentai game... but a masterpiece.... BECAUSE MY GOD WAS I PLAYING DARK SOULS!?

A worthy introduction.... ENEMIES ARE SNIPERS! How the hell do they hit all the precision shots? and to make matters worse, this AI gave me traumas that Elden Ring will never overcome.

Come on, you have levels, yes? When I reached 7 the shop started to make things easier because it dropped me a sword with 30 damage that caused instakill most of the time... until the suicide appeared, I flew off the map and just accepted it.

The game is very good, apart from the few options I had for choosing races and customization. The map patterns are perfect, I felt most of the time on a planet destroyed by a war, with abandoned houses and many "living dead".

I'm a strange person because I play hentai games just for fun, not to jerk off, and this game was really fun!

I believe it is best to focus on the interaction of the NPCs first. See, the biggest amount of points is unfortunately you making love to them, but when you're in a pair it's a pain in the ass for you to attract someone's attention to you. When a fire mage attacks me and hits ALL peaceful NPCs they become AGGRESSIVE TOWARDS ME! It killed me several times. Not only that, I felt a lack of personality in the NPCs, they do have a clear sexual orientation, but when you conquer them this sexual orientation ceases to exist. There should be more options for you to win them over and for their personalities to affect you at the time of the act.

Not only that, my gender doesn't seem to affect gameplay at all, it doesn't change lines, it doesn't change behavior. In other words, I'm a man and I'm naked for a woman in the game, suddenly other men become sexually attracted to me, even though when I interact with them they only prefer woman, that's really strange.

I missed a lot of positions, even though for the beginning of building a game the things you added are already very welcome, fluid and good animations, I really liked it.

The Tower is a very empty place, it had no decoration or anything like that, if I were to make a suggestion I would tell you to set up a base for survivors, where they are living in the rest of what was once a city, and at the same time There are several abandoned islands around, emitting pink energy, the same as the enemies and the objects you collect.

I'm not Furry, but the models of these characters won me over. The turns, the appearance, they are beautiful! Add more races like minotaurs, fairies, humans....



hey RalivDev, I love the game so far, and can't wait for more, but, I would like to ask if it's possible to eventually have another version of Doggystyle added where you or the NPC goes on all fours. If that's not something you would be interested in, that's all good, but I'd like to know if it would be considered. Thanks so much for all your doing, keep it up


Is it possible in a future update we could have the ability in game to delete characters. or possibly give the player the ability to re-customize the character they are playing with.

I believe there are plans for this eventually but, at this time, it's not a priority.


The latest patch is very neat, really looking forward to the next updates. It would be pretty cool to have an alternate canine penis style with a knot.


honestly pretty good
the animation work is very fluid
the gameplay is simple but pretty good
the character creator is quite detailed

I'd love to see where this game goes


I would recommend adding some more customization options, such as more hair options, horn options for dragons, misc cosmetic options in general, and especially more different races, like a bear race, cervid (deer) race, probescid (Elephant/Mammoth) race, bunny race, equine (horse) race, bovine (Bull) race, etc.  It will add a lot of variation to the game and make it infinitely more repayable.  It also buys you time to update stuff more so the game doesn't get old quick.

RalivD Is running the long term planning here, I'm certain many more races  will be added  along side so many options you're gonna spend 3 hours in CC alone.

(3 edits)

So I made yet another new character to see if maybe that was why I haven't seen the new sex positions and Quinn thinks my Male (non-futa) character is nude with pants, gloves, and shoes on. First male toon so I don't know if that's normal but a minor thing  I just thought I'd mention. 

Edit; Ok everyone thinks I am, though I haven't talked to Sophia yet.
Edit 2; She thought I was nude and ready to go too.

I was wearing rag gloves and shoes and leather pants with no shirt.


It's vary lag  but I like this game.

Not that I can help solve the lag but what hardware/OS are you running this on?

I've been running this on an admittedly out-of-date system in this day and age and I haven't had any lag.
I can't recall all the hardward off the top of my head but a Gforce 1080TI with 2V-RAM, 40 DDR4 2350hz(??) RAM, I think an I7 8core CPU on WIN10 home edition. (likely overkill for this game tbh)

Happened to me, the first time I started the patch, but only when my laptop wasn't plugged into the power supply (probably some power saving that limited processing power). I noticed however that looking in the direction of the new fire pillar structure, reduces performance significantly, if you have limited pp. 

If the game runs fine in other locations, such as the home island, these new structures might be the problem.


Ah yea the fire probably needs some optimization. If it is noticeably lagging you I can definitely reduce its complexity without hurting its look much.

Something to add to adjustable details when we get a full settings menu.


think you all will add paizuri stuff?



Paizuri = Titty fuck

(1 edit) (+3)

Maybe in the future we can bring back the npc's we like in the wild back to town, or possibly create npc's we can find in the wild


I had posted a similar idea a while back, I still agree with this idea, also seeing our saved character designs in the wild as NPCs


In the patch notes there is actually always information, what the next patch will be about. Patch 0.4 reads "Next month's patch will be NPC focused, hopefully allowing customization and sharing of NPCs.".


please please please please add cum


Ooo yeah and maybe cum drips after sex for X amount of time


Any plans to add pregnancy in the future?

(1 edit) (+1)

I half agree with the idea, belly inflation, but not impreg, as a toggled option, so much later down the road.


Dye and enchantment table in town or as an add on to your house for gold.


As an add on to your house


I think I asked a ways back but I don't know what happened to my comment. But will there be any options for alternate vulva/clits either like, equine/canine or more masc?

Anyway, excited to try the new update ^w^

if I buy the game now, will I get the access to future updates?




(TB_HyDra is correct, I just wanted to answer officially so there is no doubt)

(1 edit) (-2)

It is time to have an explosive 4th 💥💦😍

P.S. Thanks for adding the dye station in the house! having to lug around the entire dye kit  searching for one was getting to be a bit much. 


Although I think the new way of interacting with NPCs is an improvement overall, would it be possible to bring the back the possibility to perform the idle animations / poses by themselves, like you could before the patch?

Also, can you maybe add an option to toggle the players erection?

(1 edit)

I agree, this kind of hurts the flow of the game having to now  directly interact with each npc to allure, BUT I will say long term I can see this being helpful when more ways to fuck are added. 
Overall I would consider this a good change with that in mind. 

Perhaps a compromise, allure emotes left the way they were but offers and interactions on this new direct options menu.


Regarding NPC interactions I prefer the new system, but I would like to have the option to perform these poses, even without any NPC around. Just to admire my own character :3.


Understood, and I agree. I will look into adding a "self" mode for interactions



Also, calling it "self mode" brought me ideas for additional self inflicted actions, for which that system could potentially be useful for.

On the topic of "Self" mode would there be any room for having more camera control to zoom in and take screenshots of your character to share with other people? I noticed when I kept trying to share screenshots I couldn't find a good reliable way to keep the camera close to see all the detail.

I noticed that you DO NOT need a key to open locked chests ! Is it just a install bug where I just make backups, uninstall and reinstall or is this an actual bug ? Btw this game is an absolute gem :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Nope sounds like a regular old bug. Thanks for reporting! I'll patch it.
I am so glad you are enjoying it!!


Sophia seems to randomly jump ontop of her houses roof , when you ask to have sex, also is it just me or are the hotkeys on top of the screen not centered?


The roof is the horniest part of the house (its a bug -_-)

Is there a way to remove a character? I've been having too much fun with the character creator, and I'm worried I'll run out of space soon. I do have 2 characters that I want to keep and finish the game with, but the others were more as experiments. Thanks!


go to C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\LocalLow\RalivDev\Archipelagates\saves when you mean the saves in the main menu

Thank you! That worked!


Okay, I have to admit, I loved and thought it was brilliant idea that you had to offer yourself through emotes to get your partner's attention to have sex, not just a simple interaction. This game has future, great game


hello ralivdev :) , i wondered, do you plan to add gameplay elements to the races or will they stay a purely cosmetic choice ? or will you add classes or a skill tree at some point ?

Just cosmetic. The game is a fairly simple hack and slash looter, so there are no skill trees planned.

(1 edit)

understandable, thanks for the swift answer :)

Rlly cool game, i hope in the future you can add Kajiits and new biomes!

Excuse me, what time zone do you use? ( I want to see the update as soon as possible , so I'm clarifying )


The US. I don't always release the patch at the same time, just the same day of the month. I am aiming for about 24 hours from now, give or take a few hours.


everything seems really good so far!
hoping to see maybe some more longer hair styles for dragons as I can get very close to recreating my sona but just not quite due to no long hair options

I am pretty bad at hair, and my workflow takes a long time.. But I do plan to add more hairstyles.

How is it after an update, can you continue to play the old game or is it advisable to start from scratch.

The new patch simply adds content and improves the way you interact with Wild Island NPCs. You can keep your existing save!


i cant wait for next update, this game is rlly rlly cool


is new update going to come soon?

(1 edit) (+2)

The rate I'm seeing thus far is 1 per month (in the first week) unless it's a hotfix for something dramatic.


Correct as usual!
I appreciate your helpfulness to folks here!

(1 edit)

Thank you, I'm just your friendly neighborhood derg. I help when/where I can.

Also, crazy to think it's almost time for the next one, this month flew by.

fr time flys so fast


There is! the 3rd of July!

1 day :000000

I want to buy this game but i dont know what kind of sex scenes it has? do mobs in the open world f**k you, can you do them back? or is the only way to see sex scenes by building relationshps with set npc's. im not a fan of dating sims. less dating sims with extra steps . 


There's basically no romance required whatsoever currently, but there are not many animations in the current patch either. The next patch is supposed to add more animations though

It's both ways with NPCs but the enemy mobs do not interact that way at this time.

Thank you, for the reply ill be waiting until they do.


One thing I'd love to see a tiny bit more of so far is vulva customization. Just started and playing and so far it's quite fun! 


Will there be a recreation station for our characters? It would be to great to have that when future updates come in for the character customization.


Yea I hope to add this before long


Great so far, although an audio adjuster (master vol, sfx vol, ect.) would be much appreciated as I can barely hear the actors in scenes.

(2 edits) (+1)

I would just like to confirm that save/game backups are working nicely.

I was about to go have a little fun with Sophia on one of my first characters I hadn't played since version 0.1 (one of the few that actually saved correctly back then)  and the game froze as we went to begin (female character with Sophia wearing the toy) I hadn't even saved but I had just loaded and sold some stuff so I wasn't too worried about it so I used ALT +F4 to close after waiting a bit to see if it would self correct. I loaded the character again and it actually saved some point after I sold all the stuff. 👍


Awesome! Glad to hear it!


Excellent little adventure game, even without the nsfw parts.

I'd suggest the enchanter, disenchanter and dying station to be purchasable house upgrades rather than something found in the wild though. Maybe once inventory upgrades like bags or backpacks would be available it would be less of a chore to lug all the equipment you want to disenchant but as it stands I have half of my inventory cluttered and couldn't find it. Same reason for dying stations to be honest.


long term, I believe that is the plan.




i love this game and the dev they are so nice and sweet and ill give this game a shout out

Thank you so much!

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