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(1 edit) (+2)

Not a furry, but enjoying the simple gameplay loop. Can't wait to see later updates.

Question though: How do you use dyes?

Add a dye and an armor to a dye station (randomly found in structures) to color it. The system is simple at the moment though and not every clothing item works.


Are there any posts showing what's in the next update?

When is the new update?


The update will be coming out may 3rd

Whats goin in on the new update

do you plan to add a feature to make the characters you create be in the town for the player to interract with or the possibility to create custom travellers/bandits at some point ? because you have such a great character creator that it would be a shame not to capitalize on it :)


Not for the may 3rd update, but yes that is planned.

yes, it'll be so cool :) but first i can't wait for the 3rd of may to come.


Lets get this answered once and for all. 
Is it "Archipelagates" or "Archipela Gates"? 


Haha, its a play on the word archipelago (a group of islands) and gates (the portals).

Is there a wiki or somethin? Would like to know what to do with the cooking pot


put berries in it


I actually wish some of the interactions lasted a little longer, considering you can jump cancel out of animations its not like you'd be locked in if an enemy came up


is this coming to steam and if so will we get steam keys for it? this is kinda a down the line idea but i would love to see workshop items for this game. assuming there would even be a community that wanted to mod this lovely game.


Actually like how the game is so far, looking forword to the next update and whats to come! Hoping to see more content and possiblity of different species to choose beides the three we already have? <3

Hey Raliv, it's me Zenta! Downloaded the itch app just to get updates to Archipelagates automatically. How do I know when the game has updated? Will it let me know?

If you have the Itch app it will just auto update like steam does! I will also update the page here with patch notes. It updates pretty silently though, so I am not sure what the best way to announce updates is..

I will definitely announce on Twitter and update the page here though!

Awesome, can't wait for the next update!

are the normal NPC's supposed to attack you if you kill/defend youself agains the dead? also i wish we had more emots not even like just more differences but like a different animation for each emote option randomly. if that makes sense


NPCs are too quick to get angry right now, I'll be dialing that back in an update. More emotes are planned too. I like the idea of randomly chosen variants!


The biggest thing this is missing is polish around town and more content in general as you mentioned. I haven't encountered any (obvious) bugs, which is really surprising for a new release, and the game is fun to play even without the nsfw. Exploration is good, weapon & clothing variety is at a good start, and the random little groups you find interacting give the game a bit of life that it wouldn't have otherwise.


If there's no public Discord server, could you at least give the people who bought the game some kind of discord access, no patron stuff access just this game.


There is not really a mechanism for that to my knowledge.. But I understand your point. I'll consider opening a portion of the discord in the future.

if you can't make a public part of the discord, could you open a forums section on the itch page and possibly show bits of what you're working on here? the lack of update news on both the itch page and twitter bothers me just because there's literally no news at all since the release of the game on those places.

(1 edit) (+2)

Real cool game with a lot of potential. Looking forward to future versions! That being said, at it's current state, it is not worth the price and is more viable as demo.


Can u plz do a demo

(1 edit) (+1)

I live in south africa and 15 dollars is 290 rand so either i buy it on steam or i don't buy it ate all your thoughts

Unfortunately Archipelagates will never be released on Steam because of an issue during the review process. It will only be available on Itchio. :(

(2 edits)

will fuck me or in south africa ma se poes 


That's actually not true anymore, thankfully! According to a comment by Raliv, the issue that was keeping it from being on Steam has apparently been resolved!

Alright, but if I understood Steam's response right, they can't just resubmit the game now that the stuff's been fixed. That ban from Steam is permanent, for that game.


I'd certainly hope not! 

Big issue and need help!

I was playing the game (ran as administrator) when the game soft-locked with a black screen. I thought it crashed as it did not load after 2 minutes, so i closed the game and started it back up. when I did, my characters were gone and it said 

new game, continue, quit.

I thought it just deleted my saved character tch is no big deal, however, when making a new character and quitting, no save could be found and I couldn't click continue. 

I tried uninstalling the game, deleting the files, and redownloading the zip files, but nothing changed. if anyone has any idea what is going on I would appreciate some assistance. 


There is currently a bug where any one save file that is corrupted will cause no saves to load. It is fixed in the upcoming patch, but for now try moving your saves out of the directory and adding them back one by one to find the corrupted save. Sorry that's a pain, but it will be patched soon.

hey, no harm. it's part of the growth of early access. I'm just glad you were able to get something out. I've been keeping this gem of a game in the back of my mind for a while now. 

bugs and all, it was worth the wait. great work and I can't wait to see what comes next. :D

(1 edit)

I will admit, I never had an issue like this in gaming, so I need a hand with moving my saves. do I find that data in:

Archipelagates_data > Managed

sorry to be a bother.

nvm I found it.

How did you find the .save(s) files? And what is the folder or files name?

Heya, I had the same question and I did some digging and found it out!

The saves are in your AppData Folder:

yo, dis game is really fun! please keep updating it! i like the way the physics work, i like the ragdoll, the proceural animtinos, the difficulty meter for each level! would be nice to see more structures tho. just, good work team!

(3 edits) (+2)

A bit of feedback.

1. Bugs

 -Generation seems to give up on spawning merchants and crafting benches pretty quickly on. I never saw a single place to dye or add patterns to gear after my first teleport. Merchants I now see in like one in five islands.

 -When I saved and quit and then reloaded my game, enemies no longer dropped keys. Ever. So now I am unable to open chests.

2. Tuning

 -Armor and health upgrades seem kind of pointless since getting hit by anything generally equals death due to the ragdoll? You get flung off the cliff or lay on the ground while enemies wail on you, perhaps maybe evading just as you hit the ground will make you quick recover from a ragdoll or something?

 -The only attack that doesn't ragdoll you, the fireball, is hideously overtuned with it's damage, getting by it always causes me to burn to death even while spamming cooked berries. IT also seems impossible to dodge? I'll get hit mid dash, the only way to deal with spellcasters is to rush them immediately or they one shot you.

 -Enemies interrupt sex scenes like constantly, to the point where I just stopped doing it and started killing NPC's for their money instead, since it was too much work to coerce them. No matter how long I spent clearing the map, it just seemed like I'd miss one or two skeletons SOMEWHERE who would immediately show up to ruin the party as soon as I tried to do anything sexual, basically negating that entire section of the game for me. This wouldn't be so bad if skeletons didn't one shot NPC's, the NPC's are extremely incompetent at dealing with the skeletons. But also, for some reason killing a skeleton near them causes them all to go hostile to you, and they one shot you.

3. Personal requests:

 -A way to edit your character appearance/go back to the character creator and customize your character again.

 -A way to copy an items appearance onto another.

 -Wands that have spells attached instead of it only being gloves.

 -Being able to add berries/cooked berries to quick use slots.

on one of my first islands i once had like 5 shops. but yeah latter on they do become very rare. also i think keys stop generating after a certain level, I was able to find them after loading a game and going to a low level island (at least level 5), but i never find any after a certain level. 

about the balance
I've had almost the opposite experience. when you get ragdolled, enemies just stand around and wait for you to get back up. and I've found armor to be quite effective at reducing damage. a full set of armor dropped by enemies in the current level is usually sufficient at protecting you from being insta-killed, and some non-skeleton npcs can drop gear that is a bit higher level than the current area for lower level areas. 
you will eventually find shops, and when you do, they will usually sell gear that is stupid powerful for the area (even the shop in town can sell some strong gear for early levels). to the point that items in the current, and next areas are almost always worthless in comparison. also i end up accumulating loads of gold that i never end up using until the rare occasion I encounter a shop, where i usually have enough mid game to buy whatever I want. 

Where can I see the controls


Is there a discord server for this game? I'd love to join it to keep up with your work, as well as chat with a lil community <33

Oh, also, this game friggin rocks. I can't wait to see where this'll go :3

(1 edit)

Pretty sure the discord is patron only as far as I know

Aaah, yeah, that's fair!

(1 edit) (+1)

One more thing did this game got remove off of Steam if so plesses tell me what happed to it that all and also I can find the game on Itch app help.

Copy this Sites Link and Paste it on the Itchapp there should be an "Adressbar" when u browse. Secondly apprenatly the Random Generator can generate some Enemies that look to "Minor" for Steam at least thats what i heard.

what random generator? all the non-skeleton npcs I've encountered have been presets.

"Hes been putting a lot of his time into this, and he was crushed when Steam removed his game. Turns out the randomization of the bandits can lead to some young looking people, and since bandits can fuck the character, its .. Well. You get the idea."

Qouted from a Forum post.

The issue described has been fixed

It's honestly really good already

Dose this game even eisxt because when I type it in it dose,innt show up

show plesse tell me if this game exsit thanks.


It does, bought It a few hours ago and I've really been enjoying It.

YA LO COMPRE ESPERO QUE LLEGUEN BUENAS COSAS MAS ADELANTE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ cómo animaciones y también sonidos en las animaciones o diálogos no se me encanta el juego


is there futa?




Solid base so far, the bones are all there for sure. Just needs more content which I know is the next step! I think the main thing I'd like to see is some kinks/variety in what can be done lewd wise followed by more named NPCs.

Masturbation options maybe? More foreplay options other than just shaking around and posing would be fun! Plus being able to get NPCs to undress further, unless I'm missing a way to get them to take their shirts off? And any fun, optional kinks added would only be icing on the cake.

And then yea, more NPCs. Particularly named ones! NPCs that allow for building relationships with fun lewd little things along the way that escalate as you progress their quests/dialogue. Gives more of a reason to level and go to harder areas if their quests are tied to them. Encountering the named villagers on the random islands was a treat and I mostly wish meeting them multiples times resulted in different cutscenes or dialogue. And then maybe switch up the wild NPC encounters you see on higher level islands? Different adventurers and villagers out depending on what level of island you're on. After reaching about level 7 I think I'd seen most of the random wild NPC designs so more might be nice!

Like I said, solid base. Just needs content! I hope the speed bumps haven't discouraged making progress on this game because it has great potential and too many great games like this peeter out before reaching that level. 

Good luck and I'll be keeping an eye on this one!


Is there or will there ever be gay sex?


There is gay sex


AWESOME. thanks




In advance I apologize for my rather incoherent way of trying to express my thoughts.
Great base for what will hopefully be a great game. Got me wanting to force myself to learn some blender and a game engine, despite lacking any knowledge there whatsoever lol. Most complaints I have at this stage seem to have been addressed by others, though no joke once you get closer to the end of the planned content I would be over the moon if you managed to get MP in (I know you stated it's not planned and unlikely, but still).

 Think more phallus options would be nice, as well as a way to swap up the character's appearance post creator (would be fun for some changes to be things NPC's could do to you but that might be more crazy code-wise than you are willing or able to do with).

 While I'm aware the town is still WIP I do think the store in town should have more options at any time, and any crafting should be in town, except for cooking. Different health options would be nice, especially in a pinch. As well as more NPC's with very unique animations. Speaking of sex actions, it would be nice to have some control over the intercourse, at least where it progresses with spacebar or something.

 Though one complaint I do have that isn't all that serious but I do find kind of annoying. NPC's when they get attacked by skeleton's or another NPC trying to handle said skeles, will go after the player even after the threat is gone regardless if the player touched them at all. Don't know if there is a work around for that. Also, after getting it one with some NPC's they will immediately attack you as soon as the animation ends for some reason regardless of nothing going on, nor having been attacked.


This game is amazing! Been in a slump for a while and this took me right out!
I hope to see more species soon, that's something I'm the most excited about!

My only complaints are The Dragons looking more like Kobolds due to no wings.

Bunny hopping is fun when you dash, you get plenty of speed, I hope this stays as a feature in the future.

Only one bug which is skeletons spawning as NPCs and ignore me.

If I were too ask of anything new, more fetishes to explore, I dunno, seems like some more would be more appealing to players all around. :3

"If I were too ask of anything new, more fetishes to explore, I dunno, seems like some more would be more appealing to players all around. :3" agree with you ! and a hard difficulty would be amazing too imo ! :3

Fun game for being early access cant wait for future updates. my only problem is there isnt any female genitals? its just smooth no vagina texture nor anus? Good job tho

This is fixed in the next update!

is there a demo?



Would it be possible to make the males look more buff? It would be nice to have them with more muscular models but also some normal maps.

Great start for a first release btw!


I hope we will be able to make our characters more THICK maybe by just having bigger sliders maybe i don't know how that work for ya but love the game!
kisses :3


yes we need them to be bigger!

(2 edits) (+3)

For now a solution to that is modifying the save of your character. In your search bar search %appdata% and find the folder RalivDev (for me its in the folder LocalLow) from there it should be easy enough to modify the save, just beware putting numbers above 5 is not recommended.

My love and support :3

I understand im on android but i can still download it... Huh.


Where do we can find patchnotes for future patches? ^^

a really beautifully designed game. It's a lot of fun and the graphics are nice to look at (environment and characters) but still a few here and there could be improved, at least in my opinion.

Decide for yourself how long the fun scenes with the *strangers* should last (at the moment it's more of a quickie)

A little more camera play or different perspectives would be great

That would actually be all :D

I'm hoping for a lot of progress and more interaction options with the characters in the game, until then good luck and thumbs up :D

I really hope that you will add multiplayer, it's great


Given that there are canine characters, will there an option for knotted genitals? It would be cool to see. The game looks pretty neat, I hope development goes well. 

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