that cant be it m8 i build this not too long ago its fine now i got some Hs in but still prone to randome crashes sometimes after 30 min others 3 sec in to the game
I would love a way to scale the UI, I cant read anything on screen. Also I am not sure that the 3 blank boxes at the top of the screen are, and the letters are too small and nothing "drags" into them so I'm kinda lost (and get killed very quick by the fire dudes) trying to open a menu to heal
The 3 boxes are for spells. If you find and equip an item with an "enchantment" on it, it will automatically fill in one of the boxes. The keys for them are 1, Q and 3.
Hey RalivDev, I had a small idea for some new clothing items for a future update, I have been thinking how cool it would be, If a new top could be added, A hoodie, Seeing as i do tend to wear hoodies quite often, I would love to see a hoodie of sorts be put into the game, Another clothing item i can think of is being able to wear a backpack of some sorts, Just to give a more realistic feel to items we carry when opening the items menu, Though wearing the backpack would not really be required to carry our items, It would be wearable specifically just for looks as a part of our outfits, The only other clothing item i can think of currently, Would be a pair of thigh-high socks, For those who would enjoy having that, But that's about it for what i can think of for now.
Keep up the good work!, Looking forward to seeing what you have for us in the future!.
You can also add new weapons, a spear (which you take and poke enemies) and of course the one and only SCYTHE of its kind!As they say, give me a scythe and I will destroy everyone on the way XD!!!!!!!
Sense your other game is also on Steam will you be adding this to Steam as well? cuz i feel more comfortable buying things on Steam then here if that makes any understandable sense
Looks like the dev tried to put it on Steam, but the game got booted off before release. I had it in my wishlist but it's gone now and the store page is gone too.
-Not a fan of returning to original position after ragdoll. Combat is simple atm and ragdolling helped add positioning and strategy to it, and encouraged me to use things like the ground slams and feel satisfied when I landed them.
-Also telefragging enemies that attack you as soon as they reposition after ragdoll is just annoying ò3ó
-NPCs get knocked out rather easily. Maybe something we can do to pick them back up if they do? Like putting berries in their inventory to rez them.
P.s. *loving* the fluid mechanics! They really add a lot of fantasy to the scenes that are already well animated, and I can't wait to see what you do with them next!
Just a thought, you could make the take off bottom/top options be toggles
Some npc's may look fine if not better with top's on
That and maybe 2 hotkeys to toggle on off the player top/bottom(with the animation) without having to move the clothes to our inventory(they just stay in our clothes section but inactive)
absolutely fantastic, I've played well over 20 hours of this game. i genuinely don't have any real complaints other than just a general lack of things to do so far, but i'm pretty sure you're already working on that, lol.
honestly, the only thing that even kinda bugs me is that I would really like for there to be more "stances". it looks pretty goofy to see a big burly guy bouncing around on his toes like that in the idle animation. but genuinely, other than that, i can't really think of anything specific other than just vaguely "MORE STUFF" lmao, keep up the good work!
Just a theory, maybe its cause of their weapon's, you didn't give them something op right?
Mine have a basic sword and broken mace and i usually find them together(and quite often), while the 3rd with the fancier mace i usually find with others(and a bit less)
One thing i would really want to see in the game (as a toggle ofc) is to be able to make a character become inflated/get a big belly when you cum inside them.
Im fine how it is now but i would feel satisfied with that kink into the game.
people get overly sensitive when you mention "loli'.
Also, why would they care about that when people wanted to create a character they want in the game.
People these days are brain rot and cant understand between game and real life
Edit: Wow, you all must really be very sensitive about fantasy characters being small and sexy since there is already 7 or more of you that has disliked my comment. Get a life
im pretty sure I bought it o early access right before it was taken down. please send me a message on telegram or discord also, Id like to help with the project.
The author sincerely asks you to add a first-person view to the game!!!!!The first-person function could be activated using some key on the keyboard or in the game settings.
Is it just me or one of the island is almost impossible to get out because of the location of the teleport is located on a high place, and the only way to get on it is to jump, and none of the side is possible to jump on it?
Its nice to see a female sway and bob like they are ready for anything, but im just trying to stand still as a male but my character keeps swinging their hip around like they are a feminine male.
i know i might be looking for clothing at the soup store here and this being essentially a public alpha led by a single person but i really wish the updates focused more on improving the balance and the gameplay loop. the combat doesnt feel engaging at all and there isnt much else to do in the game besides seeing all the sex animations, really
I thought so too but then I discovered bhoping makes the game 10x better. This combat system is actually good but with too fiew oponents and to low dificulty ther isn't really a reason to get better at the game :C
bhopping makes it easier to browse through levels but its not really working in conjunction with the combat. i think it wouldve felt better if the weapons actually had different handling and tactics and parrying was more thoughtful than holding the right mouse button. then again, the simplicity is here likely by design. im here to play a game where you can be a creature, the porn is just a bonus to me
Would it be possible to give NPCs a chance (maybe with a slider in npc creator even?) to start masterbating while watching others perform one of the positions?
Additionally, can we give them other positions that they know? It'd be nice to see them do some of the other positions in the wild with the other npcs instead of just the player character.
Ok, I think I'm ready to give my own review and long-term future suggestion to this game.
So first of all, 4.5 out 5, this is THE best indie furry adult game I have EVER played. The overall design and farmework is SOLID, this game is actually fun to play and keep playing. Grind your gears, make new NPCs and interact with them, the playability is technically endless! Let alone the dev is super friendly and keeps making updates to the game, the future is very promising!
For the long-term future of this game, I do have a few suggestions to say.
1, Maybe link the size of balls to the cum volume output?
2, The cum boost item, I would love to see it in game. Also, if possible, make cum volume a hidden stat? That way we can have a common item to boost it foe just a while, and have a rare item that can boost it permanently.
3, Maybe consider a ranged weapon?
In conclusion, if you're looking for a well made furry lewd game, with a proper character creation system and solid gameplay, look no futher, this game worth every penny.
More weaponry would be nice indeed but there is a basic magic system in place for ranged attacks right now, they can be found as enchantment on gloves. Only fire and ice bolts for right now I expect to see more later when we reach a closer to full-release game.
Loving the update Raliv, very fun! A suggestion I might have for a QoL improvement would have to be being able to shift click to sell/buy items. Maybe when consumables or more loot gets added it could also be added because right now its manageable, but it could make inventory storage a bit more manageable. :)
I've been keeping an eye on the game for awhile, and finally decided to give it a try.. honestly its really fun! I love the bouncy and playful animations, and the whole allure/interactions with the NPCs is really nice! Overall for a WIP game, its really solid and I hope it continues to get the love it's currently getting! Would love to see more clothing items and more species added.
Some ideas/suggestions (if possible) I had after a couple of hours in game:
- spells being bound to rings on a separate equipment slot instead of gloves
- a way to unclothe without needing a free inventory slot
Only ones I know of are Icedagger and Fireball enchants for gloves. Icedagger is solid. Doesn't do a lot of damage, but it's a straight shot with no drop off. Fireball sucks. I don't care how much damage it has. You have to lob it and the range is ass.
They are random. Just look at enchanted gloves. And remember, if you can find the enchanting boxes, you can rip the enchant from one piece of gear and put it on another. So if you find crappy gloves with the enchant, you can try it out first to see if you even want it. But if you find good gloves later on, when you find the enchanting boxes and have the gloves in your inventory, you can destroy the crappy gloves to get the enchant and then slap it on the better gloves.
Awesome, can't wait to see what's next for it! Personally I found myself wishing I could have a companion that'd always be with me, think it could happen eventually?
Idk if it was this update or the last one but there seems to be no more pulsing when the peens get hard or when theyre full mast now, I really liked that sortof throb they had when they started getting excited otherwise loving the new updates keep up the great work! ^-^
Also we could really use a discord to have a more active community (you can make it so patrons have special chats, don't worry) but we really could use it for a "suggestion chat" or to share npc's
I'm really enjoying this game, especially the fluid update! The character creator is pretty robust for now, so many options, it was pretty easy to recreate my boyfriend and I's sonas in the game.
I'm hopeful for what the future holds for this game. I wonder if there's going to be a bigger story? Maybe some dungeons to explore?
For some reason the only two poses available to me in-game are doggystyle and blowjob (and masturbation). I think there should be at least two more as stated in Patch 0.8! devlog post and some others as seen in posts on Raliv's Twitter etc.
Do you have a roadmap for the development of this game? I enjoy it, but it's pretty easy to tell it's still very early in development.
I'd also like to know if some randomness will be added for 2 parts of npcs. For new npcs to be randomly generated would be swell so we don't see the same ones over and over. And when making an npc, I'd love for each section to have a random button. There are only a few small things I want to change, but I'd love to hit random for different colors and patterns.
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The idle amination is sooo cute and goofy, I love it!
i just got the game but seem to be haveing crashes happen like every 4-5 min so cant really play the game anyone know anything about this?
Best guess is shitty pc, if you're using a laptop youre doomed (best case scenario lower fps)
It may be optimized more in the next updated
that cant be it m8 i build this not too long ago![]()
its fine now i got some Hs in but still prone to randome crashes sometimes after 30 min others 3 sec in to the game
Then its indie bullshittery, some games just decide not to work on a random powerful pc but will work on a literal potato
I would love a way to scale the UI, I cant read anything on screen. Also I am not sure that the 3 blank boxes at the top of the screen are, and the letters are too small and nothing "drags" into them so I'm kinda lost (and get killed very quick by the fire dudes) trying to open a menu to heal
The 3 boxes are for spells. If you find and equip an item with an "enchantment" on it, it will automatically fill in one of the boxes. The keys for them are 1, Q and 3.
will you add more sound effects in the next update?
planned but not a priority
Hey RalivDev, I had a small idea for some new clothing items for a future update,
I have been thinking how cool it would be, If a new top could be added,
A hoodie, Seeing as i do tend to wear hoodies quite often,
I would love to see a hoodie of sorts be put into the game,
Another clothing item i can think of is being able to wear a backpack of some sorts, Just to give a more realistic feel to items we carry when opening the items menu, Though wearing the backpack would not really be required to carry our items, It would be wearable specifically just for looks as a part of our outfits,
The only other clothing item i can think of currently, Would be a pair of thigh-high socks, For those who would enjoy having that,
But that's about it for what i can think of for now.
Keep up the good work!, Looking forward to seeing what you have for us in the future!.
You can also add new weapons, a spear (which you take and poke enemies) and of course the one and only SCYTHE of its kind!As they say, give me a scythe and I will destroy everyone on the way XD!!!!!!!
You can kind of make a thigh-high sock pattern using panelleg and legsofthigh if you don't mind the socks being grafted to your characters body
Sense your other game is also on Steam will you be adding this to Steam as well?
cuz i feel more comfortable buying things on Steam then here if that makes any understandable sense
Sorry, this game will not be available on steam. I will do my best to bring other games to steam but Archipelagates is only available here.
Looks like the dev tried to put it on Steam, but the game got booted off before release. I had it in my wishlist but it's gone now and the store page is gone too.
Steam didn't understand that short does not equal child, iirc.
Are saved character designs available in the files, btw? It'd be nice if we could easily share designs with eachother that we can add in as NPCs.
Just go to your main drive/storage on pc, the. Users, select yourself,
then find appdata(its hidden so you need to check "show hidden files" in view)
Under that there should be Ralivdev, which will have your save, saved character presets, npc's and such
Sidenote: it would be sick if we had a official discord to share npc's, also maybe the option to edit them in the game
You can edit them in-game before you add them. Post adding, make another.
Some notes I got after playing the new patch,
-Not a fan of returning to original position after ragdoll. Combat is simple atm and ragdolling helped add positioning and strategy to it, and encouraged me to use things like the ground slams and feel satisfied when I landed them.
-Also telefragging enemies that attack you as soon as they reposition after ragdoll is just annoying ò3ó
-NPCs get knocked out rather easily. Maybe something we can do to pick them back up if they do? Like putting berries in their inventory to rez them.
P.s. *loving* the fluid mechanics! They really add a lot of fantasy to the scenes that are already well animated, and I can't wait to see what you do with them next!
Ragdolled characters returning to their original position is a bug that seems to be happening at low framerate. I am investigating it.
I think i found a weapon bug
I have a op oneshot mace and a weak sword
Yet when i have them both equiped the sword can oneshot(unarmed stays the same, no change)
do you think youll ever add sergals or other races?
Just a thought, you could make the take off bottom/top options be toggles
Some npc's may look fine if not better with top's on
That and maybe 2 hotkeys to toggle on off the player top/bottom(with the animation) without having to move the clothes to our inventory(they just stay in our clothes section but inactive)
absolutely fantastic, I've played well over 20 hours of this game. i genuinely don't have any real complaints other than just a general lack of things to do so far, but i'm pretty sure you're already working on that, lol.
honestly, the only thing that even kinda bugs me is that I would really like for there to be more "stances". it looks pretty goofy to see a big burly guy bouncing around on his toes like that in the idle animation. but genuinely, other than that, i can't really think of anything specific other than just vaguely "MORE STUFF" lmao, keep up the good work!
You've obviously never watched football players doing ballet. 😁
I would like NPCs I make to show up more. Also, some of the NPCs I made have never shown up and I don't know why.
I see mine on beyond lvl 2 gates. Maybe you need higher level islands.
It is rare at most to see them, but I've been able get them on every island I visit now, but only on islands over lvl 2
I've got level 20 islands. So that is not the case for me. Some of my npcs show up, but a couple others I made have not.
Just a theory, maybe its cause of their weapon's, you didn't give them something op right?
Mine have a basic sword and broken mace and i usually find them together(and quite often), while the 3rd with the fancier mace i usually find with others(and a bit less)
Some have a weapon, others don't. As far as I can tell there is no rhyme or reason.
It's just random chance. How many NPCs did you make? I've only made 5 and they show up often, some more then others.
One thing i would really want to see in the game (as a toggle ofc) is to be able to make a character become inflated/get a big belly when you cum inside them.
Im fine how it is now but i would feel satisfied with that kink into the game.
I bought the game on steam, how do I get a key?
The game was removed from steam,
~yada yada~ this "RANDOMLY GENERATED CHARACTER" is a little short and has small boob's
-oh shit
And then no steam
people get overly sensitive when you mention "loli'.
Also, why would they care about that when people wanted to create a character they want in the game.
People these days are brain rot and cant understand between game and real life
Edit: Wow, you all must really be very sensitive about fantasy characters being small and sexy since there is already 7 or more of you that has disliked my comment. Get a life
Archipelagated and mdrg gor the short end of the stick, while theres literal demon loli/child pinball(with scenes)
Or does that not count cause they got demon wings or some shi-
"Her boobs are too small, her face is to round"
that pinball game has literal fucking children,either remove it or allow us obviously not loli characters
The game was never available to buy on steam
im pretty sure I bought it o early access right before it was taken down.
please send me a message on telegram or discord also, Id like to help with the project.
The game was never for sale on steam. It never came out early access on steam. It was only ever available to wishlist.
Either a scam for a free game or dementia
The author sincerely asks you to add a first-person view to the game!!!!!The first-person function could be activated using some key on the keyboard or in the game settings.
Is it just me or one of the island is almost impossible to get out because of the location of the teleport is located on a high place, and the only way to get on it is to jump, and none of the side is possible to jump on it?
That can happen since the islands are randomly generated.
just need different stances. I want to play as a character with a little less estrogen XD.
Its nice to see a female sway and bob like they are ready for anything, but im just trying to stand still as a male but my character keeps swinging their hip around like they are a feminine male.
what about of squirting in females?
Can u add the gold and silver color in latex :)
i know i might be looking for clothing at the soup store here and this being essentially a public alpha led by a single person but i really wish the updates focused more on improving the balance and the gameplay loop. the combat doesnt feel engaging at all and there isnt much else to do in the game besides seeing all the sex animations, really
I thought so too but then I discovered bhoping makes the game 10x better. This combat system is actually good but with too fiew oponents and to low dificulty ther isn't really a reason to get better at the game :C
bhopping makes it easier to browse through levels but its not really working in conjunction with the combat. i think it wouldve felt better if the weapons actually had different handling and tactics and parrying was more thoughtful than holding the right mouse button. then again, the simplicity is here likely by design. im here to play a game where you can be a creature, the porn is just a bonus to me
When will this game have sound?
A in-game menu to see what the npc's look like, and possibly edit them would be nice
Would it be possible to give NPCs a chance (maybe with a slider in npc creator even?) to start masterbating while watching others perform one of the positions?
Additionally, can we give them other positions that they know? It'd be nice to see them do some of the other positions in the wild with the other npcs instead of just the player character.
kissing, 69, and thighjob as some ideas
Can you please address the fact that the game was pulled from Steam for seemingly no reason? I was looking forward to buying it there too.
steam pulled it because they felt "minors" were depicted despite nothing of the sort being depicted.
As of this moment, i dont think there are any plans to add this back to steam anytime soon
I am sorry that it happened, and I hope you believe me that I would fix it if I was able. The decision is not up to me.
Ok, I think I'm ready to give my own review and long-term future suggestion to this game.
So first of all, 4.5 out 5, this is THE best indie furry adult game I have EVER played. The overall design and farmework is SOLID, this game is actually fun to play and keep playing. Grind your gears, make new NPCs and interact with them, the playability is technically endless! Let alone the dev is super friendly and keeps making updates to the game, the future is very promising!
For the long-term future of this game, I do have a few suggestions to say.
1, Maybe link the size of balls to the cum volume output?
2, The cum boost item, I would love to see it in game. Also, if possible, make cum volume a hidden stat? That way we can have a common item to boost it foe just a while, and have a rare item that can boost it permanently.
3, Maybe consider a ranged weapon?
In conclusion, if you're looking for a well made furry lewd game, with a proper character creation system and solid gameplay, look no futher, this game worth every penny.
More weaponry would be nice indeed but there is a basic magic system in place for ranged attacks right now, they can be found as enchantment on gloves. Only fire and ice bolts for right now I expect to see more later when we reach a closer to full-release game.
Author, can you do a first-person view please!
I would love a first person camera option, even just for the sex animations
Of course!So I'm writing so that the author sees this message and adds this feature!
Raliv you mf this is your best update yet
Loving the update Raliv, very fun! A suggestion I might have for a QoL improvement would have to be being able to shift click to sell/buy items. Maybe when consumables or more loot gets added it could also be added because right now its manageable, but it could make inventory storage a bit more manageable. :)
I've been keeping an eye on the game for awhile, and finally decided to give it a try.. honestly its really fun! I love the bouncy and playful animations, and the whole allure/interactions with the NPCs is really nice! Overall for a WIP game, its really solid and I hope it continues to get the love it's currently getting! Would love to see more clothing items and more species added.
Some ideas/suggestions (if possible) I had after a couple of hours in game:
- spells being bound to rings on a separate equipment slot instead of gloves
- a way to unclothe without needing a free inventory slot
- a way to drop unwanted items
We have player magic?
Only ones I know of are Icedagger and Fireball enchants for gloves. Icedagger is solid. Doesn't do a lot of damage, but it's a straight shot with no drop off. Fireball sucks. I don't care how much damage it has. You have to lob it and the range is ass.
Could you maybe point me to where i can find it?
This is why we need something like i discord, i missed so much about this game
They are random. Just look at enchanted gloves. And remember, if you can find the enchanting boxes, you can rip the enchant from one piece of gear and put it on another. So if you find crappy gloves with the enchant, you can try it out first to see if you even want it. But if you find good gloves later on, when you find the enchanting boxes and have the gloves in your inventory, you can destroy the crappy gloves to get the enchant and then slap it on the better gloves.
Awesome, can't wait to see what's next for it! Personally I found myself wishing I could have a companion that'd always be with me, think it could happen eventually?
Idk if it was this update or the last one but there seems to be no more pulsing when the peens get hard or when theyre full mast now, I really liked that sortof throb they had when they started getting excited otherwise loving the new updates keep up the great work! ^-^
If that's missing it is a bug.. ill investigate, thanks
What's the difference in high level gates?
More enemies? Bigger place?
Also we could really use a discord to have a more active community (you can make it so patrons have special chats, don't worry) but we really could use it for a "suggestion chat" or to share npc's
Now we just need sound effects
I'm really enjoying this game, especially the fluid update! The character creator is pretty robust for now, so many options, it was pretty easy to recreate my boyfriend and I's sonas in the game.
I'm hopeful for what the future holds for this game. I wonder if there's going to be a bigger story? Maybe some dungeons to explore?
I like what's here, but I want more!
For some reason the only two poses available to me in-game are doggystyle and blowjob (and masturbation). I think there should be at least two more as stated in Patch 0.8! devlog post and some others as seen in posts on Raliv's Twitter etc.
I've just found my first pose obelisk, so my issue wasn't an issue to begin with.
musk particle effect would be nice
frottage would be a hot idea
Do you have a roadmap for the development of this game? I enjoy it, but it's pretty easy to tell it's still very early in development.
I'd also like to know if some randomness will be added for 2 parts of npcs. For new npcs to be randomly generated would be swell so we don't see the same ones over and over. And when making an npc, I'd love for each section to have a random button. There are only a few small things I want to change, but I'd love to hit random for different colors and patterns.